Monday, July 20, 2009

Man Day 2009 New Motto

"A Day Where You Drink So Much That You Actually Start Looking Like Pee Wee Herman"

Friday, July 17, 2009

Man Day 2009 Forecast Update

It looks like God is on our side for Man Day. He made sure that the rain stopped in the afternoon.

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Man Day 2009 Final Reminders

Arrive: 2pm at the latest (12 Cindy Dr., Nashua, NH). We will quickly review rules, practice, moment of silence, torch lighting ceremony, and start the games at 3pm.

Registration Fee: Bring $40.

Parking: Since we can't park in front of my house due to the games please park in front of my friends' houses on Ronnie Drive (street right next to mine). Park in front of one of these three houses: 10, 15, or 17 Ronnie Drive

Overnight: For those staying overnight bring a Pillow.

Folding Chairs: If anyone has some extra Folding Chairs to bring that would help.

Hockey Sticks: I have two right handed ones and we have people bringing left handed ones but if you want bring your own in case one of my breaks.

Individual Items Needed:

-Todd Downing: Wii Bowling, Cooler, Hockey Net, Extra Chairs, Folding Table
-Tom McDonnell: Cooler, Extra Chairs
-JD Fier: Bags Game
-Rod Coffin: Cooler, Folding Table, Extra Chairs
-Josh Downing: Extra Chairs
-Jay Scharn: Wa-Shoes
-Andy Manchester: Left Handed Stick
-Bobby Pelletier: Left Handed Stick
-John Prendergast: Cooler

Monday, July 13, 2009

Man Day 2009 Outdoor Blueprint

Here is the layout for the outdoor games. Wii Bowling, Darts, and Foozball will obviously be inside in my basement.

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Man Day 2009 Game Events & Schedule

Below is the events as well as the schedule of when and what teams will be playing first, etc.

There will be three categories of games with 13 games total.

Group Games: These are games that EVERYONE plays at the SAME time to put the pressure on others. There are three of them. They will be played at the start of the day, halftime while eating pizza, and the last event of the day.

Group Games
Flip Cups
Free Throws

Tournament Games: There are 5 tournament games. This means that if you win you advance to the next round, etc. You should always try to play these games FIRST since the tournament games will last the longest and we want to keep them going. The below schedule will show the first two games that each team will play. Once those games have been played the rest of the schedule will obviously be based on the tournament and which team is winning and advancing, etc.

Tournament Games
Wii Bowling

Individual Games: These are the games that can be played at ANYTIME. Some of them are games in which you'll play another team (I have already randomly chosen out of a hat...see schedule) and others are ones that you will be playing on your own. If you are not in a tournament game or are waiting for a tournament game you should go and play one of the individual games.

Individual Games
Beer Pong
Football Accuracy

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Man Day 2009 Forecast

Here is the 10 Day Forecast with Man Day just 10 Days away.

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Man Day 2009 Team Names

Team A: Hey Now
Mike Robinson
Rod Coffin

Team B: Bulldogs
Andy Manchester
Steve Agostino

Team C: Drugs & Thugs
Bobby Pelletier
Todd McCauley

Team D: Vicious & Delicious
Chad Norton
Jim Downing

Team E: The Booze Brothers
John Prendergast
Derek Hamilton

Team F: Tiger Shark
Mike Doolan
Sean O’Connell

Team G: Suck My Bags
Bruce Kirkland
JD Fier

Team H: Shake & Bake
Todd Downing
Keith Arsenault

Team I: The Incredibles
Eric Burns
Tom McDonnell

Team J: Class Dismissed
Mike Harrington
Josh Downing